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Dermasuri Exfoliating Back

DermasuriDermasuri Exfoliating Back

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DRY SKIN ROLLS UP and AWAY. Made with a unique fabric texture, this back scrubber is made up of material that removes surface layers of buildup and dead skin on your back and body instantly using the exfoliating back scrubber and water only; no chemicals or soap needed. Dermasuri Deep Exfoliating Back Scrub is a premium back scrubber made with a unique fabric texture. Unlike a loofah, body scrub, body sponge, dry brush or body scrubbers, it is designed specifically to scrub your back. Reach areas of your back and shoulders with an extra-wide and long diamond-shaped design (8 Wide x 27 Long). The back scrubber has flexible and comfortable straps on both ends to easily exfoliate hard to reach areas. The exfoliating process involves a shower or bath steam for a few minutes, followed by a deep exfoliation with this exfoliating back scrub. Follow with your regular regime using soap or body wash on your wash cloth or loofah after the Dermasuri exfoliation process. HOW TO USE: 1.No soap: Shower, bath or steam in hot water for 5 minutes. Unlike a regular wash cloth, must avoid soaps or body wash as the fabric relies on friction. 2.Squeeze the excess: Turn off water and squeeze away excess water from the back scrubber. Leave scrubber slightly damp. 3.Remove dry skin: Holding the large straps, use a side-to-side motion and apply pressure, pulling the handles away from your body. Bringing beauty secrets from the East to the West. Dermasuri uses ancient Eastern beauty traditions and rituals in its distinctive line of clean, exfoliation products. Not like a wash cloth, body scrub or loofah. Dermasuri products deep cleans and scrubs to exfoliate and smooth skin.

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